Preacher: Prophetess E.A. Avako
Passage: Psalms 119 :71 My suffering was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees. Service Type: Frontline Prayer Altar
Adversity is the admission ticket in the journey to glory, one will be forced to face trouble.
Whether you are prayerful or prayer less, whether there is sin in your life or you are living a holy life, trouble must come your way.
Its not a matter of “if”, it’s a matter of “when”.
Adversity is a platform that God uses to display His power.
Trouble is the largest school in the universe that God uses to admit students to the next level of glory.
The only interesting thing about this school is that we do not graduate but we only make progress and one great sign of progress is resistance.
The truth is; no matter how many times you have missed it in life, God is not a God of a second chance, He is a God of all chances.
There are no mistakes in life, we only have lessons to learn.
Everyone finds his age and class by the battles he wins.
My prayer for you today is that may God empower you with strength never to loose any battle that may come your way as you progress to glory in Jesus’ name